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Harvest 2018 was very quick and sunny.
The spring was rainy and cold, so we thought about a later harvest in September. Instead, because of the hot weather during July, with high temperature during day and night, with low temperature range, we started picking on August 22nd with Pinot Noir and ended on September 6th with Chardonnay.
The harvest team made the difference: a group of young willing guys, with which we shared all the meals as a real village festival.
Every year, in different time, we had some young guys that are studying viticulture and enology for their training internships. This year we were very lucky, because we met Daniel and Francesco. They are young willing hard workers and we hope they had the opportunity to increase their knowledges while they were with us. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!
Le viti, nel periodo antecedente la vendemmia, hanno sofferto abbastanza per il caldo eccessivo, ma fortunatamente qualche acquazzone è riuscito a rinvigorirle.
Vines, before the harvest., suffered a lot from the heat, but luckily some rain restored them.
Overall, the vintage was also good quantitatively. We found a small decrease for Pinot Noir, which, as a yield per hectare, was slightly less than 80 quintals. Well instead for the Chardonnay, which has been around 100 quintals as a medium.
We have renounced the vinification of the Moscato Rosa, because unfortunately the bees, the wasps and the birds have prevailed L We alternatively used it to make a good jam for our breakfasts.
A little bit of Chardonnay will be still Chardonnay wine, while most of it will be Trentodoc sparkling wine! J
Team Maso Martis